In looking around the web, I found some interesting things.
Not all of them are funny - but, the first one is for sure!
I thought I would highlight some of my finds here:
This wreath cracked me up! I would LOVE to have it
The price tag is a little too high for me! ($185)
But, it's sold anyway!
This little guy made me smile!
My little Benjamin is in LOVE with Minions!
And he's just figuring out what a bookmark is.
These Ice Cream Cones are the cutest!
(they are the only kind I can enjoy now)
BTW- the website includes the full pattern
It took me awhile to get excited about Adult Coloring books.
Then, I saw these with Bible verses.... what a GREAT idea
(and they are FREE!)
And while poking around on the site - I saw THIS Bible
It's called the Inspire Bible
I think this might be in my future!
Love the ice cream cones!