Friday, September 26, 2014

Friday Finds

This Cat Burglar video is too funny! 
He keeps bringing home the neighbors belongings in the middle of the night!!!

 Okay, so I was going to put this on my "To Do" List.  But, after reading the entire pattern I'm not sure I want to tackle it.  It is stinckin' A-dorable.  But, I have far too many projects awaiting my attention.  If I were to take on this one, and not finish it, I would feel even more defeated!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Yum, Yum!! More Food!!

Benjamin LOVED his Peanut Butter Sandwich and Hot Dog so much he actually requested more food....

So, of course Mimi had to oblige him.

And, since it was such a healthy choice, I had to do it immediately!!

Don't laugh at the shape of the chicken.... it was my first attempt!!

He asked in the morning, and I had it delivered to him by the next morning!!

What a Mimi!!
But, the little goober sweetie lost interest almost as soon as I gave it to him!

So, again, his sweet little sister, Indiana, was in LOVE with the food!


Friday, September 19, 2014

100 Scriptures to Memorize

So, I came across this blog post 100 scriptures i want my children to memorize.

And, I started thinking..... why just my children???? Why not ME???

(my children are grown, but that is beside the point!)

We need to hide God's Word in our heart... not just as children... but as adults also.....

This is a challenge for me..... but, take it as a challenge for YOU, too!!

 Here's number 1 and 2

1. Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”
2. Psalm 138: 17-18 “How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! If I would count them, they are more than the sand. I awake, and I am still with you.”

I was going to start memorizing #1 - but I already know it.... SCORE!!!

My Sweet Princess!!

2 weeks ago our sweet, little 13 year old Princess passed away.  She just got old, and her heart was not working well.  She was in pain.  It was hard, and lots of tears have been shed.

Yesterday my sweet, sweet friend, Susan, (she may be my best friend now!!) made this picture for me.  She made it on glass with vinyl. That is ACUTALLY a picture of Princess that she found on my FB page. 

Let me put in a plug for her!!! She has started her own business,Wild Lilac Designs, and will customize almost ANYTHING for you!!  Check out her FaceBook Page

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Yum, Yum! Food!

 My sweet little Grandson, Benjamin, requested that Mimi make him some play food. (Actually, Mom indicated that he might want that for his birthday, and I couldn't wait 6 weeks!!) 

So, I started out with a Peanut Butter Sandwich. (no jelly!)

Then, a few days later, I saw this pattern for a hot dog... it was just too cute, so, I made it!!!  It turned out WAY cuter than I thought it would!!!
 So, on "photo shoot" morning - Benjamin had a little bit of a "tude".  
Indiana was having so much fun with the food, 
I decided to take her picture instead.
 Please excuse the lack of clothes!
She is usually dressed in a very cute outfit! 
But, it has been over 100 degrees in California for the last week!!

Friday, September 12, 2014

My Life In Numbers!

I read My Life In Numbers over at the blog Habitual Homebody. And, I KNEW I had to do it.

So, here it is:

1 God to love with all my heart
2 dachshunds have stolen my heart
3 grandchildren
4 children
5 states I've lived in, in my lifetime
7 houses I've lived in since I've been married
8 months that we have been doing the Total Money Makeover - some months successful - some months disastrous!!
11 people in my immediate family
21 Instagram photos (I'm not too good at posting there!)
33 years of being married to the same man
37 months of being pregnant!!! Yikes!!! That's more than 3 years!!!
41 days until my birthday
48 Pinterest Boards
55 years old
64 ounces of soda - Gotta Love It!!
204 Blog Posts
254 Emails in my Inbox
739 Followers on my Doxielover Pinterest board
3,198 Pins on Pinterest

Ribet! Ribet!

These are old pics, but I forgot to post this... and it is just too cute not to post!!

This is sweet little Benjamin, with his froggy hat at Mimi made for him!
Up until this point he had REFUSED to put on any kind of hat!!  So, this picture was the beginning of a hat-wearing-era for him. This was last winter when this picture was taken.... love  that he is sporting his VERY FAVORITE t shirt: "I Love Grandma"

We haven't seen this hat for awhile - but, since it is going to be 100 degrees this weekend - maybe we won't see it for at least a few months!!!

Once again, thank you to Repeat Crafter Me for the frog hat pattern!!
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