Friday, December 26, 2014

AG Backpacks

I made backpacks for my nieces American Girl dolls.
When I was visiting them, I asked them what they wanted me to make 
- and they both said:
 (So, how could I NOT make them??)

I was a little overwhelmed with Christmas, and did not get them mailed out until the 22nd.  I don't think they are going to get them in time for Christmas... but, maybe the next day.

The whole pattern set is a back pack, hat and vest.  I want to do the hat and vest.  I think that might come int he spring sometime!

Thursday, December 25, 2014

2014 Ornaments

I was involved with an ornament exchange this year, through the internet.
I made a crocheted a snowman (similar to the one below)
And, I received THIS one in exchange!!!
I was "over the moon" with excitement!!!!
I mailed this "Cali-Girl" ornament to my niece.  She was raised in California, went to college out of state - and now she is married and lives out of state.  She is the only one I know that says "Cali-girl"!

I made these 3 ornaments for my sweet little grandchildren.  
2 snowmen for the grandsons.
 1 angel for the granddaughter.

This is an ornament that I picked up this year. When I was in Virginia earlier in the month we toured a turn of the century "mansion" that was all decorated for Christmas. 
They had a Christmas Tree with a pickle ornament.  They shared the German tradition of a pickle ornament hanging on the tree on Christmas morning - and the first child to spot it, would get a special present.  We looked all over VA for a pickle ornament.
When I got back to California, I found one, and bought one for me and one for my nieces.
They were so excited!!!

These are my ornaments for this year.  It was fun to give and to receive these!!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Sweet Sweater for Indiana

 Here is a sweater that I made for my sweet little one year old Granddaughter.

I just fell in love with these colors, and followed the directions EXACTLY.
(Which is something that I don't always do)
And, it actually fit her!!
She turned one earlier this month

Then, after I made it (and I still love it)
 I saw other ones made with different color combinations. They are soooo cute.   

I think I might need to make another one?????
Here is the link to original pattern from the Moogly Blog

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Friday Finds

This Commercial Makes Me laugh so much!!
These gift tags are just too cute!!!

Monday, December 15, 2014

He's Closer Than You Think!

nativity siloutte080
I have loved podcasts for quite some time. I listen to LOTS of different things.
For the past few months I have been listening to Louie Giglio. 
It is the podcast of his church service: Passion City Church.
I listened this morning.....
I thought I had heard every aspect of the Christmas Story...... but, not this one!!
It was A-mazing the light he shed on the Christmas Story. 
I would HIGHLY recommend it!!! 
Let me just warn you.... He goes DEEP - but it is well worth your time.
I know this is a busy time of year, and there are lots of things vying for your time and attention -
But this will make you think about the true meaning of Christmas!
Here's the link:

If you end up taking the time to listen - come back and let me know what you think!!!

Friday, December 12, 2014

I LOVE this bed!!!

I would so love to have this bed.....
I think this is a dog-lovers dream!!

A doxie would fit PERFECTLY in there!!!

Friday Finds

Doesn't this just make you ooooo and aaaahhhh????

I just love here attention to detail.

Here is the post where she talks about designing her holiday banner

Then, here is her lastest post.....

These are EXACTLY the kind of cookies that I need to have this season...

I am going to make a whole plate of them.....

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Throw Back Thursday!!!

Here is a twist on "Throwback Thursday"

I made this craft kitfor my nieces.
I'm visiting them in Virginia.

8 & 10 years old.

It turned out to be a big hit!!

We are making friendship bracelets, and beaded safety pins and ribbon barrettes.

(had a little problem with the supplies for the barrettes making it all the way from California)
(We are making a run to the store later today!!)
Here is the blog I got my idea from

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


My sweet nieces need a puppy!!!
So, their FAVORITE Aunt (ME) made an American Girl dog. 
It turned out better than I thought it would!!
Now my next project will be an American Girl dachshund!!!!!
Thank you to Red Heart for the free pattern.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Meet Patience Howland & Jasper More

Okay- it's still November, so I can still post my Pilgrims.
I was working on these the night before Thanksgiving. I wanted to finish them, and not just end up with  a bunch of Pilgrim-parts floating around waiting for NEXT Thanksgiving. 
I was so proud of myself for finishing them. 

I took them with us for the whole day on Thanksgiving.   We had so much fun!
They were meant for decoration - but there were some special children that fell in love with them. 

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Happy "Dachshund" Thanksgiving

There is so much to be thankful at this time of year!!
I am thankful for my dachshund!
I am thankful for my loving daughter that made me this thanksgiving plaque!

What's better than ONE thanksgiving plaque?
The other one was for my "doxie-lovin" mother.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday Finds

This one made me laugh 
(I think I have even said those words!!)

This website has LOTS of uses for pallets - but I think this one was my favorite.
I guess I wouldn't need to use a pallet for this one.  I just love this idea!

Hollandgirl, over on ebay has THE cutest dachshund related Christmas decorations

This one was too cute!!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Ornament Swap

So, I signed up for an ornament swap over at Tuts and Tea Parties.
You are just randomly paired up with someone to swap an ornament (homemade or purchased)
I was paired with someone in Ohio.
 (I don't think I've ever been to Ohio!)
Our ship date deadline is November 22nd.
I finished mine, and I am going to mail it tomorrow during lunch.

I think it turned out very nicely. 

I hope that she likes it.

I'm anxious to see what comes in the mail for me!!
  Stay tuned!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday Find!

Only One Today!

I just found this .... you might have seen it.... but, it's too cute!!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

I have some "Uh-Mason" Volunteers!!

So, WAY back in August I was reading Smashed Peas and Carrots. She had a great idea for a teacher gift for the beginning of school.
Well, I don't have children in school... but, I do head up the children's ministry at my church... and I have some A-MAZING volunteers.
And, I began to think...... 
And, this is what was birthed!!
 I bought 2 packages of mason jar cups - 3 in each
 Then, I spent a couple of weeks trying to collect items with matching colors!
 I had fun!  Tic Tacs, Gum,  Drink mix, a clip, lollipop, one even has a pen
I'm giving them out tomorrow.
I hope they know how much I REALLY appreciate them!!!!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Friday Finds

 This is a picture of a give away on
 Thrift.Nest.Sew. that she did back in 2010 - 
It was just too cute.  
One more thing to add to my list for food for Mr. B.
 No pattern here - but it is something that I could make!!
Had to post this one.....
Too Much!!! 

And... what would "Friday Finds" be without a Doxie Pic?
Two Sub-Woofers
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