Thursday, September 5, 2013


When  I was a little girl, I remember being on the playground at school.... surrounded by all my friends.... jump rope going on around me.... hopscotch (my favorite!) being played... 4 square and tether ball not too far away..... but me..... wishing I had a TV on my wrist.  I KNOW!!!!  I was an addict even as a child!!!  I have always kept that wish/dream to myself.  I thought the closest I would ever get to that dream is my iphone in my pocket (which I must say... is pretty close!)

But, no........ Samsung has made a young Tassie's dream come true:

I don't know if I will every get one...but when I heard it on the news, it sparked a VERY vivid memory with me... so, I just thought I would share!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Word For Wednesday!

I really do love this.  
The world (i.e. TV, movies, commercials, friends) tell us to "follow our heart".
And in our own thinking - it seems like the right thing to do....
but, we need to remember Jeremiah 17:9.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Two On Tuesday

 October is coming!!!!
hint... hint......

I am not a big fan of dapple dachshunds... but this is a precious picture!!!

Monday, September 2, 2013

My Succulent Garden

Back in December of last year, my sweet son-in-law planted a succulent garden for me.  I love it!  I had previously had a collection of annuals that needed LOTS of water and constant attention.  It went through good and bad times in appearance.  So, this was perfect.  I took this picture shortly after it was planted - I was so excited, and really wanted to blog about it - but alas... 
I did not...
But - here is the garden.... 
 December 2012
July 2013
7 months later.....
Oh my goodness!!  By the end of July it had grown so much......
August 2013
Now, here was just last week..... had it actually grown even MORE?? in 1 month's time???  
I love my son-in-law!!!
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