Friday, January 25, 2013

Funny Friday!!

This one cracked me up!!!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Three on Thursday!!

Ok!! Seriously!!! These could be my dogs..... This is EXACTLY what they would do!!! (thank goodness they have NOT done this YET!!)

too sweet!!

I wonder if my husband would object to this!!??!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Snowman Army!!

Yes.... It's Christmas In January!!!

This is an ornament I made for my sweet grandson. He is 13 months old. I meant to get a pictures of him WITH the ornament.... Oh well!!!
Anyway... I had such a good time making this ornament, I decided to make some more......
I LOVE making Christmas gifts for my friends.... but, when Christmas is here,and I think about making something... life to too hectic.... so, I try to make things all through the year.  Here are the first 3 snowmen in my army.... this might be all... and then again... I might make more!!! But, there are so many other projects I want to work on... I am going to put my snowmen on hold for right now.
Here is a close-up on one little guy...... I'm so proud of how they turned out!
The pattern can be found here

Two on Tuesday!


OMW!!! Doxie puppies are the cutest!!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Funny Friday!

This one made me laugh... it was so cute.....

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Three On Thursday!

Isn't this the cutest? Don't know where to obtain it.... but, I WANT IT!!!
Aren't these the Cutest?? My daughters surprised me on Friday,and bought them for me!!! I have such sweet daughters!!!

Planking.... Doxie-style!!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Two on Tuesday!!

Wow!! I did it!!! 2 weeks in a row..... 2 doxie pics for Tuesday!!
 This one is just WAY TOO CUTE!!!
I have always wanted an English Creme Doxie... but, I think I saw that 
they went for $1,000!!!! WOW!!

And, then this one with those big eyes, and that cute pink bow!!!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Funny Friday!!

This is such a funny video. 
DISCLAIMER!!! There is one questionable word - and 2 others that are bleeped out.
 (Just want you to know before you watch it!)

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Three on Thursday!!

If there's TWO ON TUESDAY.... then, there has to be THREE ON THURSDAY!!!

Here's more cuties that I found on the web!!
How could you resist this one??


 I don't think my pups would go for either of these poses....
but... they are cuties!!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Cute Little Turkey

 Cute little Turkey!!!  I always like to look ahead for the fall and winter holidays! I think that would look GREAT next to my Lil' Punkins!!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Two On Tuesday!

Thought I'd start sharing my sweet little doxie pics that I find on the web!!

Isn't this just the most precious face you've ever seen??
It's kind of close to Christmas.... so I thought I would share this one!!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Cute Valentines

Aren't these just the cutest little hearts?

I thought they were just ADORABLE.

So, I was "thrifting" the other day.... and came across THE cutest vintage sheet (my daughters give me such a hard time when I use that word..... you know, it IS just another word for OLD!!!)

I can't wait to put some together to give out to some sweet people in my life for Valentines Day!!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Reading???? in 2013

So, I am taking on a HUGE commitment for myself.
I want to read 12 books this year... I know to you readers that does not sound like much.... but it HUGE for me. I just DO NOT LIKE TO READ!!!
So, when I made the decision to commit to this undertaking.... I took a look at my bookcase (yes, even though I don't like to read, I have books on my bookcase... mainly because I WANT to read, and I think I SHOULD read.... but, I just don't like to read :(
Anyway.... I looked at my books... and I already own 12 books that I WANT to read.... I think only one of them (maybe 2) are books that I have previously read.
Now... don't get me wrong... I have a read books.... but... not many. I have read many "how to" books... how to be organized, save money, be a good mom, homeschooling. But, read for pleasure?.... NO. Don't have time!!! Too many good TV shows to watch!!! (hahahaha)
So, here are the books that I can remember reading just for pleasure:
The entire Left Behind Series.... could NOT put them down.... GREAT!
This Present Darkness.... excellent book!!!
Redeeming Love.... OUTSTANDING BOOK!!

Well, that's about it... (from the last decade!)
Prior to that.... not too many!!!

Now for this year's books:

1. 7 - Jen Hatmaker
2. Screwtape Letters - C.S. Lewis
started this one - LOVED it.... just never finished!!
3. Celebration of Discipline
4. Recommended by a friend - had the book for AT LEAST 10 years!!
5. Going Rouge - Sarah Palin
6. Captivating -
7. Redeeming Love - Francine Rivers
Read it once... must read again
8. 90 Min in Heaven
one of my best friends is SUCH a fan of this book - it will make her happy if I read it!
9. Slow Burn
another one recommended by a friend
10. Scarlett Thread - more about this one later
11. The Shack
oops - just remembered... read this one.... but, I MUST read it again!!
12.Interrupted - Jen Hatmaker

Now... I just came across ANOTHER book I want to read..... now the question is: do I REPLACE one of the books? or do I ADD to the list.... I guess  I will wait and see what 2013 brings!!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Little Punkins!!

I know that it is not the fall... but... I have been trying to finish up my projects that are half done... and this fall I had started these pumpkins. They were supposed to be this - but mine turned out a little to big, and too heavy to be a garland. But, I love them anyway..... look for them this fall when I decorate!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

December Crochet-a-long!

This month's December-crochet-along-project was a slouchy hat. Wasn't too sure about this. Not really a hat person. But... I think that I turned out nicely:
 What do you think? I tried to pick colors that I would ACTUALLY wear. 
I live in southern California, and don't have too much of a need for a hat to keep warm... but this December has been..... COLD!!!
So, it was nice to have a hat. 
I was really pleased with how easy it was to crochet it.
Can't wait for the slippers for January!!!

My Sweet Little Benjamin!!!

WHEW!!! December is over... another year under my belt!!! WOW!!! December REALLY went fast! So much as gone in my life. Here's just one thing: My sweet little Benjamin won a photo contest with THIS photo:
He and his parents are going to New York City for a photo shoot.... We could not be prouder of him. I have ALWAYS thought that he was the cutest baby ever... and now I have been validated!!!

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